Thursday, July 2, 2020

A No Fail Plan for Achieving Career Resolutions

A No Fail Plan for Achieving Career Resolutions Career goal failure is pretty similar to job search failure or a stifled career in that it can cause one to fail quick and become paralyzed as an after-effect. I see this all the time in my coaching practice when clients come to me for help. Job seekers get stuck in an unfruitful job search for months (sometimes years) and decide to stay put instead of really tackle the problem. I don’t have to go into detail about what years of feeling unfulfilled or stuck in a job will do to someone but it’s not good! When it comes to your career goals, here’s your formula for achievement. All you have to do is commit to starting today! 1. Set a Clear Goal Goal setting is so important when it comes to career but especially the job search. Without a goal, you will be unsure of what you are going after and find yourself wasting valuable time and losing valuable motivation. A clear goal is one that is tangible and achievable. It has a start, a finish, and a bunch of checkpoints in between that allow you to make progress. Don’t just commit to “finding a new job.” Commit to finding a job as X in X-type of company and with X culture and X career path. Heres a checklist for figuring out your next career move if youre at a total loss. 2. Create a Plan Once you have a realistic and achievable goal carved out, it’s time to create your plan for how you will reach it (the checkpoints between start and finish). In the job search, your plan needs to be multi-faceted not just consist of searching online job boards all day. Put your plan on paper and set yourself up for achievement everyday by having visible items ready to be checked off your list. This is my recommendation for getting started in your job search. 3. Tap into Resources Expertise Goals are not designed to be easily achievable. Also, in many cases, the ways and approaches used to achieve those goals, vary based on the individual. This means that we require the help of outside sources to really support the journey. If it’s weight loss you’re going for, an encouraging health coach or nutritionist will provide you with the right tools for you. If your goal is landing a new job, you’ll have to tap into resources around best practices for someone like you heading into your target role. Here are a few resources we recommend. If you’re really not sure how to do this, you need to latch onto a career expert who can show you YOUR way. If youre really not sure about hiring a career coach, here are a few signs it might be time to bite the bullet.  I also work 4. Maintain Focus Once you know your goal and have the tools, you’ll need to maintain focus so you don’t steer off course. Discipline is critical, especially when there are so many distractions around. Put away the phone, turn off your social media and really get into the career zone when you’re spending time on career goals. 5. Keep Consistent Consistency breeds habit and regularly enforcing a positive habit around your career or job search, will breed goal success. Successfully searching for a new job doesn’t mean sending a few applications at random, it means continually finding new opportunities and going after them in a strategic way. If you’ve been in the job search for months, only sent a few applications and scheduled zero informational interviews, I hate to break it to you but you are in need of consistency. 6. Find a Buddy to Keep You Honest Let’s face it: It’s tough to go it alone. This is especially true in the job search because it can get very discouraging very quick. Discouragement can lead to a lack of hope and quitting. Therefore, you need a buddy. Whether it’s a coach or a friend, you need to find that one person who is able to give you a positive support system consisting of continual encouragement accountability. We all make excuses and having someone to identify and lovingly, yet firmly, call out those excuses is tremendously valuable in staying on track. 7. Stay Positive The job search stinks (enough said). Just remember, it’s not you, it’s them. You’re great at what you do and have a purpose in life. Maybe you haven’t hit the career jackpot yet but you will so keep your chin up at all times. Try this guide to staying hopeful in a hopeless job search.   8. Say Yes to Connecting You never know when your next random Linkedin connection, coffee date, recruiter phone call or bus conversation will turn into a life-changing situation. Be open to connecting so you can weave your network into a world of opportunity. Here are some networking strategies youll want to try.   If you want to optimize your recruiter strategy and increase your chances of unlocking hidden  opportunities, schedule a Strategy Call with Noelle today. In this powerful hour, you’ll receive a custom recruiter strategy including recruiting firm and recruiter recommendations.  You’ll also cover outreach strategy â€" everything you need to know to engage and leverage recruiters for your job search!

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