Sunday, May 10, 2020

LinkedIn Is No Longer Optional. It May Be More Important Than Your Resume

LinkedIn Is No Longer Optional. It May Be More Important Than Your Resume Youve heard about LinkedIn.   You have a skeleton of a profile and a few contactsnow why isnt your phone ringing off the hook? It isnt that simple.   Your LinkedIn profile needs to have quality content.   It needs to convey a message about you.   Invest the time to make your profile 100% complete.   There have been some great articles on how to do this.   Please dont make excuses or say you dont know how. Here is two explanations of HOW to complete your profile: Make Sure Your LinkedIn Profile is 100% Complete from Leverage LinkedIn for Personal Branding and Targeted Executive Job Search   by Meg Guiseppi. Once you have your profile complete, begin to use LinkedIn.   There is no greater teacher than experience. If you dont think you need LinkedIn, you should read this post about how to be found using LinkedIn: How to Be Found By Recruiters On LinkedIn by Marci Reynolds from 7 Ways to Get More Out of LinkedIn by Sharlyn Lauby from Mashable Please, dont just stop here.   Begin to really USE LinkedIn.   Consider it your networking rolodex or address book.     It will keep track of all the great people you meet as you go through your career.   And there is no need to update your contacts information, no more bounced emails or disconnected phone numbers.   It is done by them when they change jobs.   It is an virtual contact list that never gets outdated! LinkedIn is not a fad, it is not a toy, it is an investment in your future.   Learn it and use it to your advantage.

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